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Chilling Out Activities for Your Lazy Sunday | 18 Things to Do on Your Sunday

Sunday is the perfect time for you to get lazy. Because on this free day, you can chill at home alone or with someone you love. Also, this day is identic with happiness and has a different vibe than any day. Do you think the same way? I’m sure you will! But feeling lazy doesn’t mean you can waste your time only on sleep, guys!

You can do many things to boost your mood. As you know, having excess sleep is not enough for your body and mental. It will make you easily feel bad mood because of bored. And you should spend your time doing something you like! I know some of you already feel confused about the activity that you can do.

That’s why we are here to share with you the activity that you can do on your lazy Sunday! Believe me, this activity will boost your mood and make you ready to face your hard day tomorrow. Furthermore, you can make this activity as the healing of your tired body and mental. Are you feeling excited? Okay, without any for the do, let’s move on to the topic!

18 Chilling Out Activity to Do for Your Lazy Sunday

1. Have 7-8 Hours of Sleep to Redeem Your Sleepless Time

I know on the weekday it will be hard to get sleep because have so much work. This makes you have a sleepless time which can make your body feel tired. Not only that, but it can also cause you really easy to get mood swings.

Therefore, on this free day, you should make sure that you have enough time to sleep. You can get sleep for 7-8 hours or if you still feel tired, maybe 9 hours sleep is a great idea. Remember to not sleep more than 9 hours because it’s not good for your body’s health.

2. Get a Healthy and Simple Breakfast

For the breakfast, I think you need something that fast and simple to get. But you also have to consider the food that you want to eat. We recommend you to eat healthy food to get enough nutrition and make your body healthy.

And our choice falls to cereal and milk, who doesn’t feel this kind of food is great for breakfast? But if you don’t like cereals, you may change it with bread or oatmeal. Furthermore, because this is a lazy day, you can enjoy your breakfast in bed.

3. Have You a Cup of Coffee

A morning routine is not complete without a cup of coffee. Am I right? Because coffee can build your mood and spirit. Also, the smell of coffee would make you feel calm and relaxed. Do this activity on the outside to feel the vibes.

But, for you who have gastric pains or GERD, we don’t recommend drinking coffee in the morning. You may change it with your favorite tea or hot chocolate. So, you can adjust the kind of drink by your favorite and body.

4. Do Meditation to Make Your Body Relaxed

For you who feel stressed or are in a mood swing, you need to do activities that can make you feel relaxed. Yes, doing meditation is the answer! By doing meditate you can lose your stress and fix your mood swing.

Besides that, this activity is also good to prevent you from any diseases and make your skin healthy. So, you don’t have to be confused if people who like doing meditation look healthy and younger. Therefore, you can meditate in the morning for 10-15 minutes outside to feel the fresh air.

5. Take a Nap

If you feel too lazy to do anything, it’s okay to take a nap for a while and recharge your energy. Don’t force your body to do something if you feel tired. But, you should give a limited time to do this activity.

You can also do something like listening to music or reading a book that can bring a sense of peace to your mind. And this activity can be one of the things that you can do to heal your mental and relieve your stress.

6. Pray and Always Be Grateful

Even if you feel lazy doing something, you can make this activity the exception. Do you know what it is? Of course, pray and always be grateful. To do this activity is not only on Sunday but you should do it every day!

If you can apply this activity to your daily routine, I believe you can feel more peaceful and relaxed even if you have a hard problem to face. Being alive is already a special gift that can God give to us, so don’t ever feel lazy to pray!

7. Light Up Aromatherapy Candles

Furthermore, continue to the thing that has been popular lately. You’re right! Light up aromatherapy candles. This activity is popular to bring a chill vibe to your room. And also, it can relieve the stressed mind that happens for almost a week.

Do this activity before you read a book or do a spa to help you build the vibes and make your body calmer. But the thing that you should remember is you can light up the candles for a long time. It’s because candles contain toxins ingredients that are not good for your lungs. Therefore, we just recommend you light the candles for only 10-15 minutes.

8. Watch Your Favorite Movie

Without I tell you, I’m sure to watch a movie already on your list. When you feel bored but don’t want to get sleep, you can try this activity. By watching a movie, you will help your mind and body to distract from the problems.

Moreover, if you can watch a comedy movie, I’m sure it will so much entertain you and bring a happy mood. Furthermore, you can have some snacks to complete the vibes and also prevent you to get hungry in the middle of the movie.

9. Delivery Your Favorite Food

For you who always eat healthy food, it’s okay to cheat for just one day. Because Sunday is a perfect day for you to enjoy the food that you like. You can eat as much as you want on this day to bring back your mood.

Furthermore, delivery is a great idea on your lazy day. Imagine you have to cook the food and wash the dishes, isn’t it very exhausting? With delivery, you just have to wait and the food comes without too much effort. Your tummy’s full and your mood happy because you can still run your lazy day!

10. Do Light Exercise Only 5-10 Minutes

Who said a lazy day can get you off from the exercise? You’re wrong! No matter how lazy you are, you still have to think about your body health. Moreover, you don’t have any time on the weekdays to do exercise. So, Sunday is the best day to do this activity.

Be calm, guys! We don’t force you to do heavy exercise that will make you feel tired. You can only do light exercise like yoga or just stretching! Do this activity for 10-15 minutes until your body sweating to remove all the toxins that stay in your body for almost a week.

11. Don’t Forget to Drink Enough Water!

Feeling lazy doesn’t mean you have the reason to be lazy drinking water! You already know how important mineral water is for your body, right? Especially, your body contains 60-70% of water! So, you should make sure you don’t get dehydrated.

As the scientist said, the ideal amount to drink water is 2 liters per day. You know, mineral water has a lot of benefits to your body, like preventing you from any diseases, healing any skin problems, and many more. So, make sure you get the drink according to the specified. Remember, you can drink less or more than that to get positive results!

12. Read Your Favorite Book

Next, another thing that can support your chill day is reading a book! For some people reading a book can be an activity that can heal their mental illness. And that’s right! Because it will bring a peaceful and distract your mind.

It’s better if you can choose motivational books that can also build your self-personality and support you when you feel stressed. You can read a book when you feel bored or before going to sleep to overcome insomnia. Do this activity for 30 minutes and you can feel the result!

13. Sing and Feel Yourself

Continue with the thing that almost everyone will like which is singing! Who doesn’t love to sing? This activity is not always to do with a singer but everyone can do this. You can let yourself free by singing.

It will be so much fun if you can do this together with all your friends and feel the vibes of the song that you sing. Believe me, you will get better after it! Because you can release everything that feels hard on your mind.

14. Perfect Time for Spa Day

A free day is a time to take care of your body! On the weekdays you just focus on your work or something more important until you forget about yourself. This is the thing that we called self-love that will improve your confidence.

When you can do this activity once a week, I believe you will get the healthy skin that you dream of. Not only that, you can love yourself more than usual which is good for losing your insecurities side and fixing your mental health. You don’t have to do something hard, just scrub your body and use a product that can moisten your skin already enough.

15. Wear a Comfy and Warm Outfit

Isn’t when you feel lazy you need something that can make you feel comfy and warm? So, you can achieve it by wearing a comfy outfit! I think, one set of knit outfits is the right choice! Because it has a very soft texture which is suitable for getting a comfy and warm feel.

You can choose one set outfit that contains a sweater and short baggy pants that can make you feel free to get moves. Besides that, it will the perfect clothes to use for sleep or just chilling out at the bad. Now you can enjoy your lazy day!

16. Do Your Hobby to Heal Your Tired Mind

A lazy day is not always doing nothing because you can also do your hobby! Don’t let your laziness bring down your value. You still need to improve your value by doing your hobby to develop your skill. Even if you feel lazy, I’m sure doing your hobby will make you feel happy.

With this simple thing, you don’t have to go outside to find your happiness! You just need to do a simple thing that can make you happy. So, your lazy day will still be useful with this activity! Your mood will be happy and you will be more confident.

17. Dance and Vibing

Feeling bored on your lazy day? Go play your favorite music and vibing to that song by dancing. It’s very fun to do when you feel sad or stressed too. Therefore, we recommend you play a song that can bring happiness to you.

There’s no limited time to this activity because you can do this until you feel your mood is happy or when you feel everything was fine. So, you don’t have to let yourself be sad or stressed which can cause depression.

18. Write a Journal

Last but not least, you can write a journal about the day that you’ve been through or what you feel on that day. This is the right activity for you who have an introverted personality or when you don’t trust anyone.

You can’t let save everything inside your heart and mind because it will trigger mental illness like depression or mood swings. So, you can do this activity at the night before going to sleep that can overcome your insomnia too.

That’s all about the activity that you can do for your lazy Sunday. So, even if you feel lazy to get outside, you don’t feel bored anymore because you can do many things! What do you think guys? Isn’t it very inspire you? I hope you can like and enjoy this topic about chilling out activities for your lazy Sunday or 18 things to do on your Sunday.



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